Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Let it be.

Well I was feeling inspired so thought I would get writing :) - I'm no writer so bear with me and hopefully I'll make some sort of sense.

So for anyone reading this who doesn't know me all that well-I have come to find that one of my biggest weaknesses is my lack of patience and not being in control. For those of you that do know me, you will know that I am a very take control and organize everything and do it now kind of girl. (Just ask my besties who have to deal with me organizing our Christmas Eve meal in October every year lol)  I like to have everything under control. I need to schedule what I am doing each week and stick to it, if I am planning anything I will whip out the highlighters and fancy pens and create folders and word documents (just for fun), I had my group devos planned for camp by February last year-yes I am that girl.

For a long time I had my whole life planned out. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and when it was going to happen. I had my plan. Needless to say that plan has gone completely haywire. I mean, in my plan I never doubted my want to be a teacher. In my plan, I never saw me taking a year out of uni to go to Australia. In my plan there were no doubts or fears. And then suddenly, before I know it, my plan has disappeared and I'm left a 21 year old girl who really has NO clue what life holds anymore, where I'll be, or what I'll be doing. I spend a lot of time 'doing things'. Things that will make me feel like I've accomplished something in order to fill that 'I have no idea what I'm doing' void.
On top of that, when I make these current plans for what I'm doing (working at camp, planning travels, organising uni, planning a wedding) I require the help of other people to inform me about things so that I know what's going on and so I can keep everything organized by my standards. Reality check. Sometimes that doesn't always work out. You're waiting to hear back from a photographer, you want to know what camp position you'll have, you try and work out when you'll be free to go to do this and that, you want to know your results/where placement will be-(the list could go on) But at some point these questions that require answers go out with my control. There is nothing more you can do to speed up the process. You have done everything within your human ability for the situation and now it is no longer in your hands. For most people that is fine. They wait. For me, this is where the challenge begins. This is where I sit and twiddle my thumbs, check my emails 40000 times a day, dance up and down on the spot trying to take my mind of it. I am far too impatient. And while it is lovely that I am so keen and eager to be organized-it is a terrible quality to have at times.

My inspiration came yesterday. I was mopping. And listening to my ipod. I need no excuse as to why I have The Beatles on there, but I do. Anyways, the song 'Let it be' came on. I've heard this song a million times. It's a beautiful song with a wonderful melody. Yesterday however, for some reason or other the lyrics really stood out. Towards the end of the song the lyrics say

'Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be,
there will be an answer,  let it be!!!!'

I mean...geez, could it be anymore in my face? lol.  LET IT BE CAT!!! Just chill out, RELAX already and LET. IT. BE! 'There will be an answer'. I'm not going to go my whole life never knowing the outcome to these things. Whether that be what cake we will have at the wedding, to what career I will have. No, I don't have a clue if I'll teach or end up doing something completely different. But why am I getting so worked up about it? Why am I stressing not knowing what I'm going to do? When it comes to actually embarking upon that career (whatever it may be) THEN I will know. What does it matter if I know now or not? I'm not doing it now am I? No. So it really doesn't matter right now. As mentioned in my previous blog we are not even guaranteed tomorrow. God may not provide us with a perfectly ordered life, but what He does provide is Himself, His presence and countless opportunities and open doors.

Psalm 37:4-8 'Enjoy serving the Lord, and He will give you what you want. Depend on the Lord, trust Him and He will take care of you....Wait and trust the Lord.'

The key phrase I picked out there was 'enjoy serving the Lord'. We spend so much time worrying about what is going to happen next and what life holds for us, and what we can do to organize our future that sometimes we forget to sit back and enjoy whatever is it we are doing for God right now. Serving our God is supposed to be a joyful thing. Who cares what happens next right? (Easier said that done, I know) BUT just look at what God has provided so far. We might not know what He has planned for the next 3 years, or even the next 3 weeks.....But with God on our side, it can only be something great!

Keep Smiling,
Cat x

1 comment:

  1. SO many people I know are arriving or trying to arrive at this exact same conclusion. Including myself! Thanks for sharing friend. =) <3
